Thursday, March 3, 2005

Starting up the Police State

According to NPR, the Department of Homeland Security is testing a program where LEGAL IMMIGRANTS are forced to wear electronic anklets for tracking.

OK, it's NPR, so I have to do some looking to confirm this. But if true, this is just one more step towards a 'produce your papers at a checkpoint' United States.

How does no one understand the Constitution? How is this an any way an effective means of improving security? It appears the main issue here is the incompetence of the department - they can't keep track of anything or anyone without an electronic monitor. Not suprising, of course, to anyone who has experienced the TSA in an airport.

Welcome to America! Here's your anklet. Please stay in line, no talking, while we issue your papers, take your DNA sample, and ensure you are a non-smoker. Don't worry about us overstepping our constitutional limits. If you aren't a criminal, you have nothing to worry about, right?

Hat tip to Radley Balko and

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