Phase 1, Cycle 4, Day 2
Illegal wide bench (grip index about an inch outside rings)
4x6 @ 185
These were harder than I thought they would be. I think I may plug these in as a supplemental lift for a couple of cycles.
4x8 @ 135
Front raise
3x12 @ 20
OH rope ext
4x12 @ 75
Rope hammer curl
3x15 @ 75
Treadmill: 22 minutes, 180 cals, 1.1mi
Workout time: 5:50p - 7:10p
Saw some interesting stuff last night. Generally, the gym is pretty empty on Fridays, what with happy hour and all. Last night, I watched a skinny little buggar do what sort of looked like a bench press with 315, then the celebration after. I also saw a dad and a son, the son maybe 12, and remarkably obese. Good to see them training together. If I see them again, I may give some tips, as they were spending their time on machines that didn't really fit the kid.
Yeah I see some pretty interesting observations in the gym as well. Most of them provide me with a good laugh and I go about my workout smiling!
It wasn't impressive. It was more like a 2 board press with a silly uneven lockout.
But he can brag to all of his friends.
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